There is not enough reliable information.
Garcinia cambogia extract slimming patches side effects.
People say it blocks your body s ability to make fat and it puts the brakes on your appetite.
I used garcinia cambogia is a weight loss patch that included bladderwrack kelp extract for 26 days.
And some will experience no side effects at all.
Special precautions warnings.
Causes discomfort in one s digestive tract nausea and headache.
Additionally garcinia cambogia side effects is not recommended for women who breastfeed due to the of lack scientific evidence in support of the health of the baby.
When taking garcinia cambogia people report feelings of.
But it s important to note that these cannot conclusively be a result of taking garcinia cambogia.
Nausea stomach cramps headaches high blood pressure diarrhea allergies constipation.
The extract of hca is available in powdered form or pill form and can be purchased.
Loss of excess weight could help could help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check too.
Pregnancy and breast feeding.
Excessive consumption of garcinia cambogia extract can cause gastrointestinal side effects.
All of which are side effects of caffeine.
Some garcinia cambogia side effects include the following.
Common but mild side effects include nausea digestive tract discomfort and headache.
Everything was going fine until suddenly my right side abdomen area started twitching and in pain and one of my arms developed some type of red irritation where the patch was.
Common side effects of garcinia include.
Garcinia cambogia contains an ingredient called hydroxycitric acid hca which has been used to aid weight loss.
Nausea upset stomach diarrhea headache dizziness dry mouth.
Users can also experience allergic reactions to some ingredients.
I immediately stopped using the patches.
Not recommended for people who are allergic to garcinia cambogia.
Garcinia cambogia extract side effects high dose side effects.