To rise to a very high level.
Go through the roof traduzione.
Dormivo quando mi ha telefonato.
Prezzo schizzare alle stelle vi verbo intransitivo.
Traduzioni in contesto per through the roof in inglese italiano da reverso context.
Rise dramatically figurato informale.
In fact everything is going to go through the roof because i m going to blow up the lab.
Prepositional phrase adverbial phrase or other phrase or expression for example behind the times on your own price number.
Everyone wants to experience living in the big apple which means apartment rentals get snapped up quickly and rent prices can go through the roof.
To go through the roof figurative person andare su tutte le furie.
Verbo che non richiede un complemento oggetto.
Go through the roof 43.
Go through the roof to to rise unexpectedly high.
Go through the roof definition.
Go through the roof traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti e discussioni del forum.
Also to lose one s temper.
Price salire alle stelle.
Go through the roof expr expression.
To get very angry.
Both meanings date from the mid twentieth century the first slightly antedating the second.
To rise to a very high level.
Go through the roof went through the roof.